Minggu, 27 Maret 2016

Engineer: Reshape Human Life

Well i was thinking what will i do in the future? Starfruit juice along some type of love - Charlie puth accompany to think about it. So what will i do then? Engineer. Are you familiar with this word? Engineer came from Latin ords ingeniare ("to contrive, devise") and ingenium ("cleverness"). So then why become an engineer is intresting? Well, in my opinion engineer it's right place to serve mankind. Engineer will make human life more easier than ever. Many tool created by engineer to help reshape human life more easier.

Like Galileo Galei, Leonardo Da Vinci, Wright Brothers, etc. Their works make human life more easier. Example if Tesla never found DC and Edison never found lamp, maybe we still using fire. But thanks to all engineer, they are inovator, they help us.

So i'd like to be part of them. Inshaallah.Help human to create better world, more easier and peacefull.

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